Dynamic Local Remeshing for Elastoplastic Simulation
We propose a finite element simulation method that addresses the full range of material behavior, from purely elastic to highly plastic, for physical domains that are substantially reshaped by plastic flow, fracture, or large elastic deformations. To mitigate artificial plasticity, we maintain a simulation mesh in both the current state and the rest shape, and store plastic offsets only to represent the non-embeddable portion of the plastic deformation. To maintain high element quality in a tetrahedral mesh undergoing gross changes, we use a dynamic meshing algorithm that attempts to replace as few tetrahedra as possible, and thereby limits the visual artifacts and artificial diffusion that would otherwise be introduced by repeatedly remeshing the domain from scratch. Our dynamic mesher also locally refines and coarsens a mesh, and even creates anisotropic tetrahedra, wherever a simulation requests it. We illustrate these features with animations of elastic and plastic behavior, extreme deformations, and fracture.
Martin Wicke, Daniel Ritchie, Bryan M. Klingner, Sebastian Burke, Jonathan R. Shewchuk, and James F. O'Brien. "Dynamic Local Remeshing for Elastoplastic Simulation". ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29(4):49:1–11, July 2010. Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2010, Los Angles, CA.
Supplemental Material

High Level Explanation
This is the video from the SIGGRAPH 2010 Fast Forward session. It's intended to be a bit lighthearted. The serious videos that demonstrate our results are below.

Demonstration Video

Fracture Examples with Wireframe
Source code (Stellar-1.1.tgz)
Source code (Stellar-1.1.zip)