Computer Graphics

University of California - Berkeley

3D Clothing Fitting Based on the Geometric Feature Matching

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The 3D clothing fitting on a body model is an important research topic in the garment computer aided design (GCAD). During the fitting process, the match between the clothing and body models is still a problem for researchers. In this paper, we provide a 3D clothing fitting method based on the feature point match. We firstly use a new cubic-order weighted fitting patch to estimate the geometric properties of each vertex on two mesh models. Feature points are then extracted from two models and a new matching function is constructed to match them according to curvature and torsion. We interactively select several key feature points from two limited feature point sets to compute the transformation matrix of the clothing model. Finally the second match is performed to achieve the precise match between the clothing and body models. The experimental results show that our 3D clothing fitting method is simple and effective.


Zhong Li, Xiaogang Jin, Brian Barsky, and Jun Liu. "3D Clothing Fitting Based on the Geometric Feature Matching". In International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Nov 2009.