A Method for Animating Viscoelastic Fluids
This paper describes a technique for animating the behavior of viscoelastic fluids, such as mucus, liquid soap, pudding, toothpaste, or clay, that exhibit a combination of both fluid and solid characteristics. The technique builds upon prior Eulerian methods for animating incompressible fluids with free surfaces by including additional elastic terms in the basic Navier-Stokes equations. The elastic terms are computed by integrating and advecting strain-rate throughout the fluid. Transition from elastic resistance to viscous flow is controlled by von Mises’s yield condition, and subsequent behavior is then governed by a quasi-linear plasticity model.
Tolga G. Goktekin, Adam W. Bargteil, and James F. O'Brien. "A Method for Animating Viscoelastic Fluids". ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH 2004), 23(3):463–468, 2004.
Supplemental Material

Paper Video
Full length video to accompany paper.

Electronic Theater Video
This video was shown in the SIGGRAPH 2004 Electronic Theater. The video combines music, humor, and some additional examples.