Interactive Inverse 3D Modeling
“Interactive Inverse 3D Modeling” is a user-guided approach to shape construction and redesign that extracts well-structured, parameterized, procedural descriptions from unstructured, hierarchically flat input data, such as point clouds, boundary representation meshes, or even multiple pictorial views of a given inspirational prototype. This approach combines traditional “forward” 3D modeling tools with a system of user-guided extraction modules and optimization routines. With a few cursor strokes users can express their preferences of the type of modeling primitives to be used in a particular area of the given prototype to be approximated, and they can also select the degree of parameterization associated with each modeling routine. The results are then pliable, structured descriptions that are well suited to implement the particular design modifications intended by the user.
James Andrews, Hailin Jin, and Carlo Séquin. "Interactive Inverse 3D Modeling". Computer Aided Design and Applications, 9(6), 2012. Presented at CAD'12.
Supplemental Material
Presentation Slides [pdf]
Presentation Slides [pptx]

Stationary Sweep Editing Video

Progressive Sweep Editing Video

Quadric Fitting Video