// This is not an HTML file, it's javascript. But we want the server // to do an SSI of the client's IP address for us so we are using the // shtml extension. We may change this later if it causes problems. // A .htaccess file could also tell the server that we want SSI done. var ip = ''; var ipsplit = new Array(); ipsplit = ip.split('.'); var ip3 = ipsplit[0]+"."+ipsplit[1]+"."+ipsplit[2]; if ( ( ipsplit.length == 4 ) && ( ( ip3 == "128.32.168" ) || ( ip3 == "128.32.34" ) || ( ip3 == "128.32.35" ) || ( ip3 == "128.32.36" ) || ( ip3 == "128.32.37" ) ) ) { document.write("
  • Internal
  • "); }else{ // Check for local pages not on server or if SSI is broken... if (ip == '[an error occurred while processing this directive]') { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var index = scripts.length - 1; var myScript = scripts[index]; var relinternalpage = myScript.src.replace('/static/internal_link.shtml','/internal/index.html'); document.write("
  • Internal
  • "); } }