Optimal Presentation of Imagery with Focus Cues on Multi-Plane Displays

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- Rahul Narain
- Rachel A. Albert
- Abdullah Bulbul
- Gregory J. Ward
- Marty Banks
- James F. O'Brien
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We present a technique for displaying three-dimensional imagery of general scenes with nearly correct focus cues on multi-plane displays. These displays present an additive combination of images at a discrete set of optical distances, allowing the viewer to focus at different distances in the simulated scene. Our proposed technique extends the capabilities of multi-plane displays to general scenes with occlusions and non-Lambertian effects by using a model of defocus in the eye of the viewer. Requiring no explicit knowledge of the scene geometry, our technique uses an optimization algorithm to compute the images to be displayed on the presentation planes so that the retinal images when accommodating to different distances match the corresponding retinal images of the input scene as closely as possible. We demonstrate the utility of the technique using imagery acquired from both synthetic and real-world scenes, and analyze the system's characteristics including bounds on achievable resolution.
Rahul Narain, Rachel A. Albert, Abdullah Bulbul, Gregory J. Ward, Martin S. Banks, and James F. O'Brien. "Optimal Presentation of Imagery with Focus Cues on Multi-Plane Displays". ACM Transactions on Graphics, 34(4):59:1–12, August 2015. To be presented at SIGGRAPH 2015, Los Angeles.
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